Pitchfork highest reviewed music genre

The last objective was to determine which music genre on Pitchfork's website received the most "good" reviews. This can be calculated by using aggregate data and finding the average review scores across each genre. In the early stages of the project I discovered that the average scores for each genre were close to equal. This made implementing ordered proportional symbols problamatic and would be difficult for the user to interpret. I pivoted the visualization to a static treemap for the final release.

The treemap reveals that Pitchfork writers tend to favor global music albums with an average review score of 7.35. Some notable Global music albums include Caetano Veloso: Livro, MIA: Kala, and Lee Scratch Perry: Ape-ology. Similar to the lollipop chart, the treemap reveals how closely the average review scores are for each music genre. The difference between the highest and lowest average score is only 0.45. Users can highlight over each treemap node to visibility purposes.